God’s Love

Today’s scripture: Genesis 29 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (James Hendrix):

Years ago, I spent two summers working in Chicago as a student missionary. Each day, other Christian college students and I met at a community center where we mentored young children from severely impoverished neighborhoods.

On Saturday mornings, we told the children Bible stories about God’s great love and care for them. One morning, I told my group the story about Christ’s sacrifice for us through his death on the cross. When I finished the story, I asked the children what they would be willing to sacrifice to share God’s love with others. “All of my toys,” one little boy said. “My bike,” another child yelled out. A few seconds later, I noticed a small boy removing his old and tattered gym shoes. With both shoes in his hands, he brought the shoes to me. “I can share my shoes with someone who needs them,” he said.

Part of today’s Scripture tells of how Leah felt unloved by her husband, Jacob. But in her misery, God surrounded Leah with his love and blessed her with children. We can experience that same love. Jesus’ suffering on the cross and his ultimate death revealed his true love and sacrifice for all of us. Whether it is by speaking a kind word to the grocery clerk, visiting an elderly person who lives alone, or even–as the little boy was willing to do–giving our last to help people–we also can share Christ’s selfless love with others.

Prayer for the day: Jesus, thank you for showing your love in our lives so that we may love others.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.