
Today’s scripture: Genesis 27 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

When I look at Jacob’s life as a young man, I see a liar, a con artist, a trickster, and a fraud. He spent much of his life haunted by bad decisions and exiled to the chaos of self-inflicted wounds. And yet God called him, chose him, and even blessed him. What?

On the surface, I wonder, “How can this happen?” Shouldn’t we challenge God here because nothing in the life of this man early on suggests that he deserved God’s blessing? He was unfit and unqualified. But I didn’t write the book on who is fit and qualified. As I examine the body of work that has been my life, my flawed life, who am I to say such things? Why do I want to hold others to a different standard than myself?

It is so easy to forget about God’s grace, because it is hard to live within that grace where we give it away to others. It is so much easier to sit in judgment, a place where it can be so hard to feel God’s grace. This is a good example for us to see that grace is not earned. God freely gives. God freely gives the blessing.

Jacob ends up playing a major role in God’s plan to redeem the world. Jacob was blessed, and ends up blessing many others. This is the same for all of us. Allow God’s Grace and blessing into your life. Watch what happens next!

Thought for the day: Don’t sit in judgment of others. Allow God’s blessing to enter your life, allow yourself to feel that Grace, and be a blessing.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.