Forgiveness School

Today’s scripture: Ephesians 4:32 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Angie Best):

The Princess Bride is my favorite movie of all time. It is silly and romantic and is filled with quotes that stay with you for years. In an interview that Mandy Patinkin (Inigo Montoya) gave on CBS This Morning, he explains his favorite quote from the Princess Bride.

“And for me that’s the most potent line in the whole film. And that is, ‘I have been in the revenge business so long. Now that it’s over, I do not know what to do with the rest of my life.’”

“And I love that line,” he continues. “I love it for all of us. Because the purpose of revenge, in my opinion, is completely worthless and pointless and the purpose of existence is to embrace our fellow human beings and not be vengeful and turn our darkness into light.”

All of us have someone in our lives we could imagine exacting revenge on. Even if we really wouldn’t hurt them, we carry a little ball of resentment around. The romantic partner who lied. The family member who failed you.The colleague who betrayed you. The transgressions pile up, one after the other. Each one

“Earth is forgiveness school,” says Anne Lamott. And some days it is as elusive to me now as college chemistry was to me 25 years ago.

One of the great barriers to an experience of God’s presence is lack of forgiveness. We justify our anger, and it becomes resentment, and if it is fed long enough by hurtful memories, thoughts of revenge and behavior, it grows into hatred, and a hate-filled soul cannot feel God’s love. We may strike out at the other person, but our hands are around our own throat, restricting our ability to breathe peace and harmony into out world.

So much happens in the act of forgiveness. There is a deep internal shift that happens when we decide to extend forgiveness towards others and ourselves. Sometimes it is as easy as a breath – a moment of release and done. Sometimes it is the longest dance – holding on and holding back and glancing sideways and looking back and running away and trying again on another day.

Earth is forgiveness school. It’s time to open our books and hearts and learn. Let God hold you in the palm of God’s hand as you study.

Thought for the day: Where is God nudging your heart to offer forgiveness?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.