Taste and See

Today’s scripture: Psalm 34 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

I probably drive some people crazy because I post things I cook on Facebook. I hear some people hate it when people take pictures of food they are going to eat, like at restaurants. I justify this as different from that. I don’t just post the finished item, but sometimes I also include the various steps or stages, with ‘how to’ instructions. I try to get the essence of the experience; the preparation, and the actual cooking/baking, smelling, and tasting. Almost like a 3-D experience with the visual, smell and taste. Too bad Facebook does not include an exhaust fan connection from my kitchen to the Internet!

Psalm 34 is one of my favorite Psalms, and verse 8 one of my favorite verses in the entire Bible. God created us, and I like praying and imaging God with all the senses that were given to me at birth. When we eat something so good, something that we love so much, it gives so much pleasure and happiness. I think about my love affair with fudge, or my sweet and savory dressing at the holidays, or my lasagna, or my pralines, or the eggplant at Maggiano’s. Better yet, the paradise pie at Chili’s they stopped offering a few months back! (Why did they stop?) Pastor Vivian and I had lots of comfort food at Chili’s during our seminary days, and I really piled on the 1500 calorie paradise pie when I could. I still dream about it!

While at Earlham School of Religion (a Quaker seminary), l learned that Quakers consider communion with God something we do in prayer, in worship, and anytime we spend with God. The physical elements of communion are not practiced. When I would lead worship, or do something in class around worship, I would remind everyone how Psalm 34 was used by the early Jerusalem Christian church for communion, and I would use verse 8 to remind people to “taste and see how good God is.” Then I would pass out Godiva chocolate bars, with the “iva” blanked out, only showing “God” chocolate. Then I would remind people that chocolate has anti-oxidants that are good for us, so enjoy a piece of what God has created: a piece of God. (I did this with homemade chocolate chip cookies too.) I do this here at LifeJourney as well (recently using Chocolate Cake and GiGi’s Cupcakes at retreats), but that was how it all got started.

So, when was the last time you really tasted how good God is? I am not talking just about food, and God is GOOD food! But imagine a good meal or your favorite food, and God is there helping you enjoy it. When we are deepening our relationship with God, taking in all God has for us, and finding gratitude in the small things helps us to really taste and see God. If you haven’t, why not be more intentional about tasting and seeing God? What does it feel like when you have your favorite food? Why not use all your senses when you feel close to God, whether alone, with people, in a favorite place, with your Oasis (small group), praying, walking, worshiping, touching something that feels smooth and silky, smelling something wonderful, hearing beautiful music, seeing a piece of art you love, or even eating your favorite meal.

Thought For The Day: Really taste and see how good God is!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.