I Wanna Know What Love Is

Today’s scripture: John 13:31-35 (NRSV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me in this passage? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Steve Adams):

The opening verses of this passage have been hazy to me ever since I first read them years ago. All that talk about Jesus and God being glorified left me thinking, “OK, I didn’t really get that, but I’ll keep on reading.” However, I think I’m beginning to see some light.

It must have been extremely important to Jesus that, as He received glory (admiration, fame, honor) through His miracles, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, that His glory and God’s glory would be one and the same. It could have been so easy for Him to take some of the glory for Himself, and think, “Well, I AM pretty swell, aren’t I . . . Who, God? Oh, I forgot about God for a minute; please give me time to refocus!”

It makes me think that, whenever I am able to be successful in life, who gets the glory? Is there a part of me that thinks it’s because I am so great on my own, without God? If I’m thinking sane thoughts, I realize that any abilities I have exist only because God has generously gifted them to me.

Another concern of Jesus was that His disciples love each other. Often I’ve heard Christians say, “That’s how people will know we’re His followers, by our love for each other!”

OK, what about this: give ten people you know a couple of real-life situations in which ethical judgments are required. In other words, give them two dilemmas in which it’s hard to determine what the right and loving thing to do is. How many different answers do you think you’d get? Quite a few, I would think!

A key to Jesus statements is “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” Oh, so we need to learn how Jesus loved in order to find out what love is! Agape (the word Jesus uses here) is God’s superlative love which is given to us.

God, grant us the ability to love with Your (agape) love, more and more, every day.

Thought and prayer for the day: God, I ask you to show me what love is in those difficult situations that require Your discernment, and to give me the courage to carry out Your solution to the best of my ability.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. Use the item above as a starting point, or consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.