We Are All In This Together

Today’s scripture: John 16:4b-15 (NRSV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Pam Beutler):

Raised in a Catholic environment in the 50’s and early 60’s, faith saturated me. From birth at my Baptism, I was under God’s care. Kindergarten through second grade, the good nuns of St. Gertrude’s taught me the mysteries of God’s creation and God’s great love for me. I was fully prepared to walk down the aisle dressed and veiled in white, armed with my first rosary and mass booklet to receive Jesus into my heart and soul. A divine spark nourished my soul, thirsty for God’s love.

The next few years I learned about the great saints who were just like me. These were everyday people, who did ordinary things to help others and spread the word of Jesus. Just like the Apostles, who gave their lives for this belief. I marched down to the altar railing, knelt before my family, friends and congregation. I felt the slap of reality from the Cardinal — a wake up call for what was ahead. It was different now. I would be called on to defend the faith and my church. I left commissioned now. I was a disciple of the church.

I can imagine how the early apostles and disciples must have felt, learning and following Jesus throughout Galilee. He was preparing them, yet they truly had no idea what was ahead. He depended on this group of followers to establish His church and keep it alive. He wanted them to know they needed each other, no one was meant to be alone. The church would need to depend on each other to spread His gospel and to grow. This is why He gave His life — to establish this new world order and free us from the bondage of sin.

I look back on those easygoing days of childhood. Over fifty years later, I still can feel the love and great commitment those teachers had as they taught me about Our Lord. They prepared me the best they could for what I would face as a Christian. Now, I am part of an active church family. I am constantly renewed in spirit, to go forward and tell others of Jesus. I understand the importance to care for and love the least understood of God’s people. Worship is not meant to be done in solitude but shared. The great love of God the Father for all of us was instilled in me to shine out to all those I come in contact with.

Thought for the day: Jesus said to go forth and make disciples. You are not meant to be alone.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to start, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.