The Last Seven Words from the Cross: Thirst

Today’s scripture: John 19:28-29; Psalm 69:19-21 (NRSV) (The Message)

As you read, consider: What might God be saying to me? Summarize your thoughts in a sentence or two.

My thoughts (Tammy Mills):

ThirstBy the time Jesus uttered “I thirst,” he must have been completely devastated in all ways, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. His body was crying out for the most basic of human needs, water. Jesus was experiencing great physical thirst.

I have never known real times of desperate physical thirst, but I have experienced times of spiritual thirst. In those times of spiritual thirst I can choose to let my spirit “dry up” or I can choose to move toward the living water that flows from the resurrected Christ. I try in times of spiritual thirst, to follow the teachings of the worship chorus I have included here:

Hunger And Thirst
I hunger and thirst for You
I hunger and thirst for You
In the desert of my need
You’re the fountain that I seek
You’re the Living Water I keep running to
I hunger and thirst for You
I hunger and thirst for You.

I hunger and thirst for You
I hunger and thirst for You
Heaven’s Manna, Bread of Life
Fill the emptiness inside
Nothing else can satisfy me like You do
I hunger and thirst for You
I hunger and thirst for You.

Written by: David Moffitt, Sue C. Smith

Thought for the day: Are you spiritually thirsty? Do you thirst for God in the way a dying man would thirst for a drink?

Today, let’s join together in prayer for: Caroline, on the loss of her father; and for Chuck, on the loss of his partner, Robbie.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. Use the item above as a starting point, or consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.