The Garden

Today’s scripture: Matthew 13:24-30 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

Reading this scripture reminds me that our spiritual journey is like a garden.

Discipleship is a call to transformation, but it does not mean that we instantly become a full harvest of wheat and all the weeds in our life are gathered and burned up. God helps us through prayer, worship, spiritual friendships, and reading of the Word to tend our garden, water it, fertilize it, and remove the weeds. Sometimes we may even apply weed killer, but as in real life, the weeds seem to come back. Over time, as we transform into what God calls us to be, the garden harvest is more abundant, and the weeds subside. But then there are those days where the weeds seem to take over out of nowhere.

I recently experienced the deaths of two dear people, so I know life can get heavy and sad. It can feel like my garden is being overburdened with the weeds. But we have family and friends that shower the love of God on us, we have each other to hold onto, and we can celebrate the lives of those who have moved on to the next phase. And then I realize that God works through each of us to help tend our gardens.

Weeds can also spring up in us when we allow people or circumstances to drag us down, and we become heavy with resentment and frustration. It may be difficult to feel God’s presence as we pray or be willing to open up and share our true feelings to allow God to help us. The weeds are those things that keep us from God.

What does your garden look like right at this moment? It is an overflowing harvest, or are weeds restricting its growth? Why not assess how your garden is growing, the size of your harvest, and ask God for help in getting rid of those weeds that seem to keep us distant from God.

Thought for the day: God, I know that my garden can sometimes be overtaken by the weeds. Please help me cultivate a garden where love, kindness, humility and forgiveness are abundant, and those things that keep me from experiencing your love and grace can be weeded out. Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.