Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth

Today’s scripture: Matthew 13:47-50 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Julie Walsh):

Like a cat turning his ear to a stray noise in the room, the phrase “weeping and gnashing of teeth” has always perked my ears up and grabbed my attention. I usually wind up with a little grin on my face when I hear these words. Maybe because it has sounded like cool Bible jargon to me. I’ve even tried to incorporate the phrase into my vernacular when I’ve needed an extra punch for emphasis. Though I’ve understood the basic connotation of this phrase, I’ve never really contemplated the gravity of its meaning, until today.

The common theme among the passages where this phrase occurs is that we will be thrown into the fiery furnace or cast out into darkness. In other words, if we face judgment and are condemned to hell, we can count on experiencing weeping and gnashing of teeth. There are numerous doctrines that characterize hell, but regardless of what your personal theology may be, it is clear that hell will wear on your emotional and physical well-being.

Weeping is the expression of the deepest form of grief. Imagine the greatest human loss you have experienced — a partner, a parent, a friend. . . Maybe it’s a relationship, a job, or a dream. Now multiply that feeling one hundredfold and you gain just a glimpse of the extent of grief and sorrow that exists in hell.

Weeping could also be an indication of great remorse. For all the guilt and shame you have harbored in this life, it will only be compounded in the next.

In addition to this profound grief and remorse, you can expect to endure the hardships associated with gnashing of teeth. This may occur in the form of intense anxiety, anger, or frustration, or maybe even severe physical pain and torment. Pause again to remember a time when one or more of these feelings was so intense it practically controlled you. The cruelty you will face in hell will be so extreme it cannot measure up to anything you have encountered or even to the most inhumane crimes.

There will be no relief in sight. The most difficult days you have had to endure on this planet cannot compare to what is to come, for this passage isn’t describing one bad day or even a period of weeks or months. This is an eternal punishment — day in, day out. A never-ending anguish called hell.

Now that I’ve instilled some old-fashioned hellfire into your mind, it is crucial that you heed this message: You do not need to dwell in fear of judgment! Like an annual physical examination at the doctor’s office, reflecting on a scripture like this should cause us to examine our souls so that we can rid ourselves of selfish motives and indifference to God. We spend so much time looking forward to the incredible beauty and joy of heaven that sometimes we forget about the torment and despair of hell. If you don’t know there’s an alternative, you can’t miss it. To appreciate the fullness of heaven, you must also realize the reality of hell. It is a delicate balance we should all learn to recognize.

Prayer for the day: God, thank you for passages of scripture like this one, even if they’re hard to read. Thank you for reminding us of all that we don’t have to endure, because of what you’ve done for us.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.