Mr. Big Stuff, Who Do You Think You Are?

Today’s scripture: Matthew 13:53-58 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Brenda Corbello):

I can certainly relate to the way Jesus was treated in his hometown.

About ten years ago, I moved over a thousand miles from my hometown. Although I was an attorney in my hometown, I was not your “typical” attorney. I worked for the poor and disenfranchised, which was not a popular choice in my family. Since my move, I have become very involved in many causes and organizations. I have developed a reputation as a person who is capable and driven. I have a career that offers me the opportunity to lead others, and to have an impact on my company, as well as my community. I am also on several boards, where I make decisions that impact many people in very real ways. I am not saying any of this to brag; I feel honored to have all of these opportunities, and I take my responsibilities very seriously.

I say this to illustrate the disparity in how I am perceived in my own community, compared to how I am perceived when I return home to visit. My family still sees the young woman who struggled earlier in life. They see someone who is different from them, and maybe suspect. My old school chums still remember the young girl who seemed to find trouble more often than not. It is common for people to seek to find flaws in people we may not understand fully.

When Jesus returned to His hometown, He also suffered condemnation from people who were familiar with His upbringing and His family. Although they seemed to be impressed with Him, they did not treat Him very kindly. They could see that He was wise and quite capable. They knew that He was very special. But they did not seem to understand His mission, and that was a source of confusion for them. It seems to me that they allowed their own insecurities and confusion stand in the way of being blessed by Him during His visit.

When we get together with someone who has made a name for themselves in some particular endeavor, do we also seek to find their flaws in order to make ourselves feel better? Do we miss out on being blessed by them?

Thought for the day: Are there people you know who have a great deal to share? Are you missing the opportunity to be blessed by them just because you are too familiar with them? Jesus was human, and therefore he grew up as a man. The folks in His hometown let that get in the way of receiving abundant blessings. I do not want to make the same mistake.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.