Running the Race

Today’s scripture: Romans 12:9-13 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Kristin Herrmann):

Several years ago I volunteered at a mini-marathon and witnessed a friend of mine named Sabrina exemplify Romans 12:12. Before the race began, I crossed her path as she was heading to the start line. It was her first attempt at running 13.1 miles, and she was nervous and excited, but committed to making it across the finish line. She was rejoicing in the hope of having a great experience.

I didn’t see Sabrina again until she had only a few miles left to go. I saw her tread toward my post; the pain of having already run 10 miles was evident in the slightly slumped posture of her body. Methodically she set one foot in front of the other, over and over again. As she came nearer, I saw in her gaze the battle between her body wanting to stop and her mind desiring to finish. She was enduring in affliction.

If she had begun the race with a running buddy, they had since separated. The course she ran allowed me to fall in pace beside her for a portion of a mile and still be able to return to my post. Sabrina turned her head a bit to see who had taken up beside her and then returned to staring at the road. With each breath she exhaled, she whispered, “Thank you, Jesus.” She was persevering in prayer.

Thought for the day: How does rejoicing in hope, enduring in affliction, and persevering in prayer look like in your life?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.