Who Should We Follow?

Today’s scripture: Romans 13:1-7 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Sue Robinson):

I was never so glad to see the end of the last elections. The bickering and fighting among previously sane individuals was horrible. People said many nasty things and “unfriending” on Facebook was elevated to a new hobby.

We really should have opinions and strong feelings about who governs our cities, states, and our country. But if our party wins, should we lord it over the losers, or if we lose, should we feel like God has forsaken us and that the outcome of an election comes as a surprise to even God?

Paul is telling these new converts that even though they are now following a higher power, they still are subject to the laws and rules of the land. Sometimes these rulers were just and kind; other times they were much less than perfect. But God knew these leaders in positions of authority and allowed them to be there. “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s” was a call to obey those in authority and to accept the rules of the land.

What would our country be like if every time our favored party lost we would decide to not pay our taxes, not follow the laws, and not to obey civil authorities? Chaos and disaster would reign!

We have the awesome right and blessing to choose our leaders, not have them chosen for us. Sometimes we may agree with the outcome, and sometimes we may disagree, but every time God is in control.

Prayer for the day: Thank You, Lord, for our freedoms in this country. Help us to always remember that You are aware of who are in positions of authority and it’s not a surprise to You! Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.