Bloom Where You Are Planted

Today’s scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Sue Robinson):

One of the big controversies in Paul’s day was the fact that the Jewish Christians felt that the Gentiles needed to convert to Judaism when they started following Jesus. They weren’t too keen on allowing Gentiles into the fold anyway, and why should they be allowed to just step in without having followed the Judaic rules all their lives? After all, the Jewish people had an abundance of rules for their lives, and they were diligent in keeping every one.

Paul is teaching in these verses that each person comes to faith in Jesus at a different place in their life. Some may have followed rules carefully and tried their hardest to obey them all. Some may just be learning how to become followers and know nothing about the ins and outs of religious life. Some may come from dark places and feel unworthy to join those who seem saintly. But Paul is saying that all are welcome and can come just where they are now.

In my teenage years, I learned of Jesus and that I should be following him. I saw those who were Christians as people of very good moral character. Now, I wasn’t extremely bad, just not saintly! My idea of following God meant that I had to purify my life, straighten up, and fly right; or I couldn’t be counted in with the saved crowd. I spent many years in the limbo of knowing how I should live and knowing that I didn’t measure up. Maybe I never could or would get to that point!

If I had read these verses by Paul, I might have discovered that Jesus wanted me where I was then . . . warts and all. I didn’t have to work to make myself pure enough and worthy enough. It wasn’t through my works of struggling to improve myself that I could reach God. God called me in the midst of my confusion, and God loved me right there!

Verse 24 says,”Brethren [brothers and sisters], let each one remain with God in that state in which he [or she] was called.” God wants us here and now. No work on our part makes us worthy. God alone does that.

Prayer for the day: God, help us to be aware that you want us, not when we are perfect, but now. You are the Perfector! Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.