This Used To Be My Playground

Today’s scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:1-22 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

Even as I seek God and incorporate spiritual practices in my life to grow a deeper relationship with God, I’m not perfect. Even though at times I wish I were perfect, the journey and the growth that occurs on the way helps my soul to grow. If I thought I was living perfectly in the way God has for me, then that almost sounds like I really don’t get it! Sometimes, we all probably think we are at that perfect place; but then reality hits in some way and we realize we have a long way to go.

Today’s scripture passage is a reminder of the exodus from Egypt. Imagine being one of the freed coming out of Egypt. Never having lived that freedom, I can imagine one can feel that ultimate connection to God when freedom happens. Once that euphoric moment wears off and life settles in, we can lose perspective. Forgotten are the hard days, and the freedom is taken for granted.

Verses 6-8a of today’s scripture passage speak to me: “Now these things occurred as examples for us, so that we might not desire evil as they did. Do not become idolaters as some of them did; as it is written, ‘The people sat down to eat and drink, and they rose up to play.’ We must not indulge . . .”

When I was traveling for work some years ago, I visited a Metropolitan Community Church in the suburbs of Los Angeles. I visited the pastor because I was going through some issues in my life, and just wanted to talk to someone. Being in a different place with a pastor who did not know me seemed ideal. When I showed up for my appointment, the pastor said to me, “Give me a kiss,” and he proceeded to pull my body close to his and kiss me on the lips. I was appalled and my initial reaction was to punch him, so I did. I was not that kind of person and I surprised myself. My reaction was wrong; I didn’t know I had that in me. However, this pastor never should have greeted me in the way that he did. It made me question the church and what it meant to be a leader in the church. I was there in a vulnerable moment, and he took advantage of that. He then backed off after that punch and said, “My congregation has told me I need to be warmer and more inviting to others.” I said, “Don’t make excuses for inappropriate behavior!” I walked out.

This is an extreme example, but we can become compassionless, merciless, selfish, and full of self-righteousness, and the freedom we found and know in God can be overrun with other stuff, without realizing it. That is until something happens to shake us up. Not necessarily a punch in the face, but a punch in the gut or a circumstance that can shake us. One day we think we have it all and we have arrived, and the next, we wonder what happened.

Israel’s history can teach us many things. Our journey to the “promised land” will be full of joys and breakthroughs. But it will also be filled with set backs and disappointments. Let it draw us closer to God as we learn from our life situations.

Prayer for the day: God, help me learn from when I live in your freedom, and from when I fall into captivity, distanced from your freedom. Help me to grow as I journey through this life. Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.