This Is the Way; Walk In It

Today’s scripture: Isaiah 30:19-33 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

Have you ever had one of those a-ha moments when you realize that things are not as bad as they first seem? I don’t know about you, but that happens to me more often than I like to admit to myself.

I get into work and look at my to do list and I want to scream! How am I going to get through all this in so little time? I have this big lump in my neck and it seems to be growing. Oh my! I bet it is a cancerous tumor. I disagreed with my best friend last night, and I bet she hates me now. I keep rehashing it over and over, and I can’t get it out of my head. I spilled my diet coke all over me this morning and everyone is looking at me. I bet they are all laughing at me! Did he pee in his pants?…STOP looking at me!

I know some of these might seem silly, but we do get ourselves bogged down into things that might seem trivial at other times, and they can consume us and take us away at a moments notice. Don’t you just hate that!

This is why it is so good to have a God reminder tool with us at all times. Yes, it may be difficult to remember when caught up in the moment, but just say this to your self, “Be Still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) Or, when in one of those moments where your mind gets the best of you, “ The thief comes only to steal and destroy. Jesus came that I may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Imagine that you allow your self to rest in those words.

Perhaps you may have a more captivating scripture verse, prayer, or God reminder that can bring you out of the “mind” chaos moment and into God’s presence. Think about it for a moment. What would that be for you? What might work for you? (Take some time to Google some things if need be.) This is called Practicing the Presence of God. The word or phrase is referred to as a breath prayer.

I like what is stated in versus 21 and 22 of today’s scripture:

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Then you will desecrate your idols…; you will throw them away…say to them, “Away with you!”

When I read this verse, it reminded me of Brother Lawrence’s collection of teachings “Practice of the Presence of God.” He says, that in order to form a habit of conversing with GOD continually, we must at first apply to God with some diligence: but that after a little care we should find God’s love inwardly without any difficulty. In this I hear, “This is the way; walk in it.”

Isn’t this what God was expecting of the Israelites? God wanted them to put God at the top of their list. “Stop allowing those other idols to consume your time and fill your minds.” Focus on me.

So today, as you move forward, think about what will bring you into the presence of God. What word of phrase might work for you? Write it down if you have to. Put it on the home screen of your phone. Put it on the calendar of your phone to pop up multiple times a day to remember. Partner with someone and each of you text the word or phrase to each other throughout the day. Write it on an index card and put it on your desk or your refrigerator. And when one of those moments happens, and it will, and you are carried away yet again, bring that phrase back into focus.

This calls for intentionality on our part. Deliberate time that we allow a word or phrase that can remind us and bring us back into the presence of God. Develop one on your own that will work for you.

Brother Lawrence says:

“That in order to form a habit of conversing with GOD continually, and referring all we do to God; we must at first apply to God with some diligence: but that after a little care we should find God’s love inwardly excite us to it without any difficulty.”

Thought for the day: Allow myself to practice the presence of God. Apply to God with some diligence. I am able, but am I willing?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.