Don’t Miss the Treasure on the Inside!

Today’s scripture: Matthew 11:1-19 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Steve Adams):

Unconventional background. Eccentric dress and diet. Unorthodox religious beliefs. Currently in jail. Such must have been the thoughts of the Galileans about John the Baptist, the “desert baptizer” who had recently risen to popularity. Maybe all his claims about the coming Messiah were as wacky as John himself!

So Jesus needs to teach the crowds that John the Baptist is the real thing, that he was the Elijah who had been prophesied of. As they came to realize this, they would see that John’s declarations of Jesus were right on the mark.

The oddities of John cause me to think about people we associate with today. If our friends, family members, fellow workers, or acquaintances act differently than the norm, do we — at least subconsciously — disregard their beliefs because of this?

This is really all about externals vs. internals, isn’t it? If someone loves God and lives with integrity, do I discount them merely because they’re a bit odd to me? And, of course, theoretically we say, “Of course not!” But, when the pressure’s on and push comes to shove, are we able to adhere to this lofty standard? What if the oddity irritates me every day — multiple times a day — and I feel like it’s threatening to “crowd me out” and overshadow the relationship?

It comes down to letting go of that which is external, and therefore not that important, and holding onto the real stuff of life! As our sister Julie Walsh (our former Minister of Worship who would sometimes change hair styles and colors daily) helped teach me in the past, “Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment.” John 7:24, NIV

Thought for the day: Lord, help me let go of dwelling on the unimportant, sometimes irritating externals that can distract me from seeing the true heart and character of those you bring into my life.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.