Running on Empty

Today’s scripture: Matthew 25:1-13 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

I know this has been interpreted as an apocalyptic parable about the end times and remaining prepared, but let’s look at this with more urgency. It is happening right now, TODAY, even as you read this.

What does it mean to remain prepared? If Jesus is the “light” of the world (John 8), and we are Jesus’ disciples, we are to keep the light going, live in that light, and let our light shine, as the song tells us. This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!

We may be excited and all gung-ho about ministry today, when it is new and exciting. But then it fizzles out. We are doing ministry and worshiping in community. But life is busy, we are in a world with competing activities and interests, “I can find something even better” we think. Then we start to pull back.

The oil is our prayer and worship, and our connection to God and our community. These help to provide us and maintain us with spiritual energy. The fuel to do the work Jesus calls us to do. “Keep awake” is more than just being prepared for later, but to live the life as a disciple that allows us to be awake and aware TODAY… RIGHT NOW! “Keeping awake” is cultivating and maintaining our relationship with Jesus. “Keeping awake” is doing the things that will help us grow on our  journey.

When the oil runs out, and we turn away, it is not Jesus that turns away from us. God’s grace will always welcome us back. But when we are distant from God, and our relationship with God starts to wane, it feels like we forget what it is like to be in that relationship and connection with God. When we do, we can forget our purpose in life, what we are called to, and we can become disoriented and out of sync. Our spiritual life suffers.

So instead of looking at this as the typical parable about the end times, view this passage as a message for RIGHT NOW! What happens when our spiritual light grows dim, when we do not maintain and cultivate our relationship with God, and we become disconnected – NOW!

Where is your spiritual fuel gauge? Is it at the full line “F”, or is the needle pointing to the ‘E’ and the light is on warning that you are about to run out of gas.

Prayer for the day: God, please help me to cultivate a closer relationship with you. Help me to maintain a life of prayer, worship, and community, so that I my light stays lit, and the oil keeps coming!  Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.