Give Yourself Away

Today’s scripture: Matthew 4:18-22 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

How easy would it be for me to drop everything and do a radical change like Peter, Andrew, James and John at the moment Jesus asked them to follow him? I would think they knew who Jesus was, had heard him preach, or at least knew about his reputation or who he was. Am I willing to give up all that I am familiar with — the people I love, the things I love, and the life that I live for something unfamiliar? Peter, Andrew, James, and John must have had some idea they were doing something that was much bigger than they were.

I can see scenarios for each go something like this:

  • I can imagine Jesus prompting, questioning, and asking Andrew over and over to follow him, until Andrew finally turns the corner and makes the commitment.
  • I can imagine Peter hearing Jesus preach, and knowing in his heart that God was calling him to do the work of love that Jesus was doing for all people who needed his healing message.
  • I can imagine that James saw Jesus feed multitudes and perform miracles of healing, and knew there was something radical that he needed in his life.
  • I can imagine John was touched by the compassion that Jesus showed to the oppressed and the poor, and wanted to bring about a change for people who were in great need.

Then there is the rich young ruler. Jesus asks him to sell everything, give it to the poor, and follow him if he wanted to receive eternal life (Matthew 19:16-30). In that story, Jesus tells his disciples, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and will inherit eternal life.”

We only know of this one encounter with the rich young ruler. But what if, like the others, there were many encounters, and perhaps this was the last one. One last time, he goes to Jesus and tries to convince Jesus that he’s been a good boy and followed all the rules. But the response was the same. Sell all you have — become what is called of you by God. Sell it all and follow me. He goes away sad once again. The response was still the same.

Perhaps I am being a little too creative with the story, but isn’t this the story we play out every day of our lives? We know that we ought not treat others poorly, but we do. We know not to lash out at others when we get upset and angry, but we do. We know that we can live more simply so that we can give more to others, but we really want that next IPhone or neat gadget, or HGTV dream home. because it will make us “feel” better and sooth whatever ails us. But then the moment passes, and we realize it is not lasting. We try to feed our spiritual appetites with food and drink, we try to buy happiness with what we can stock in our storage spaces, and we substitute the love that we can give and receive with bad habits.

Jesus is telling us to give it up and follow him. Following Jesus means a radical change in our thinking and living. Putting love first, forgiving ourselves and others, and being there for our brothers and sisters to support and love them; even love our enemies.

The cost is high. But filling those spaces with spiritual fulfillment is what Jesus is providing us — a life that is more abundant, more loving, more fulfilling.

So how about it? What are you willing to give up? All Jesus asks of us is to follow him. What does that look like for you? God will help you on the journey.

Thought for the day: God, I pray that I can choose to follow Jesus every day. I ask for your guidance in knowing what it means to follow Jesus, and what radical changes I need to make.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.