Baby Steps

Today’s scripture: Matthew 9:27-31 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Brent Walsh):

It was near the end of our last Financial Peace University class. There were several guests — friends, co-workers, fellow church members — among us who had been invited to see what a FPU class was like. They had been told how lives are being changed and families united in the effort to reclaim their financial destinies. I wanted to show our guests what kind of result they could reasonably expect.

“Raise your hand if you started this twelve-week journey in financial crisis,” I instructed. Our guests turned in their seats to see the response. Almost everyone who had been on this twelve week journey together raised their hands.

“Now keep them up if you thought that the first baby step of the program — putting $1000 into a savings account as an emergency fund — was absolutely impossible.” It was no surprise to me that everyone kept their hands in the air, and some even raised their other hand for emphasis! You see, for those of us who start our FPU journey in financial crisis, it seems like a joke to suggest we put so much money into savings when we have creditors calling. We are quick to say, “Yeah, right. And if I had a thousand dollars sitting around, I wouldn’t be in financial crisis!” Some of the guests chuckled in agreement that baby step number one indeed seemed unrealistic.

“One last question,” I said. “Raise your hand if, within these twelve weeks, you have accomplished baby step one by putting $1000 in a savings account.” It was not the roomful of raised hands that surprised me at this point. What thrilled me were the looks of hope and validation that I saw on the faces of my class members when they were able to hold their hands in the air to testify that they are on their way to financial freedom! I guess it’s true. . . when you have $1000 in a savings account, you are no longer in financial crisis!

So what on earth does this have to do with our scripture today? The story is of a couple of blind men who pursue Jesus with a plea of mercy. Jesus keeps walking, seeming to ignore them. But the men follow him and ask again for healing. Finally Jesus says, “Do you really think I am able to do what you ask?” They were convinced he could, so by their faith that they were healed. Before they left, Jesus warned them sternly not to tell a soul about what he had done. There are various speculations about why Jesus would issue such a request, but there is no speculation about why the two men completely disregarded it. The iron gates of their struggles had been unlocked and flung open and they found themselves in a vibrant, colorful world of new opportunities! They were no longer bystanders in life! They were able to take an active part in the planning of their future! How could they keep such a thing to themselves?

So it was with every person sitting in that classroom with their hands raised to say that their iron gates had been unlocked and flung open. With their hands they were telling us what the balance of their savings account looked like. With their eyes and their smiles they were telling us what the balance of their future looked like! And it looked bright! They had learned valuable lessons about how to take control of their finances, and they were no longer bystanders in life. With the simple raise of a hand they were saying that, even though they had a lot of work to do, they were now able to take an active part in the planning of their future!

One last note about our scripture today, though. It’s important to realize that the two blind men did not sit around at home waiting for Jesus to happen along their paths. They knew that to find healing and restoration, they had to go out and pursue him. If you are looking for healing in your life, don’t sit around waiting for it to happen. Find people who have overcome the same kinds of problems you’re facing, and ask them how they did it. Read a book. Take a class. Get off your couch and do something! The answer is out there. Go find it!

Thought for the day: Think about one thing you really want to change. What’s my first step?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.