Washing with Water and No Soap

Today’s scripture: Matthew 12:43-45 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (E’sha Cooper):

Have you ever tried to lose weight, stop smoking cigarettes, or stick to a budget? What were your results? Did you lose some weight only to gain double back? Did you stop smoking only to go back and start smoking again plus start smoking cigars as well? Did you develop a budget only to lose it under the stack of bills and papers on your desk?

If you have experienced any of the above, let me share with you what I see as the reason why. There is change, but no transformation. You commit to the diet and you go to the gym, but you don’t understand why you overeat, or why you eat when you’re stressed. You haven’t changed the programming. It’s like washing with cold water and no soap.

Today’s scripture is an example of a man who got determined to change some areas in his life. He did all the diets, attending the training sessions and got the results he wanted, however, he never addressed why he was overweight or why he doesn’t stick to his workout routines. He changed the externals, but he was not transformed. Transformation is that extra step that gets to the heart of the matter, not just dealing with the symptoms. It determines if you develop a new ideology that will help you maintain the desired changes or results. It’s taking a bath using water and soap.

You may feel very ready for change to occur in your life. I applaud you. So just do it. However, include a new mentality and get to the heart of the matter in that area. Take your bath but make sure you use soap.

Thought for the day: What in my life am I trying to change, but not allowing to be transformed?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.