The Rule of Holy

Today’s scripture: Matthew 12:9-14 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

How many times are we told we can’t do something? When we are kids, we have a curfew, and we are expected to be in bed by a certain time. But why can’t I stay up and watch TV? You asked me what I wanted for dinner, so why can’t I have cake and ice cream? Why can’t we have a party without any adult supervision?

Parents had our best interest at heart, but sometimes we heard this as, “Because I said so.” I know I heard that plenty of times. But, our parents tried to do what is best for us and they had our well being in mind when they said “no”. If we were asking for “good” stuff, like, “Can I have fish and brussel sprouts for dinner?” they could agree. Then, they probably would have our heads examined to make sure we were not suffering from a concussion.

So, imagine, if you asked your parents when you were younger, “Mom, is it okay to go to bed early tonight?” Or, “Dad, I want to spend more time on my homework, so I will give up my hour of TV today.” Would mom and dad respond by saying, “NO! Bedtime is 9:00, and you have to go by that rule. No exceptions, so stay up until 9:00.” Or, “You have to watch TV for one hour per day. That is the rule. No more homework.” Doesn’t that sound odd? Well, this kind of sounds like what happens to Jesus in the synagogue in today’s reading.

Jesus is asked a question, “Is it lawful to cure on the sabbath?” The rule was, “no work on the sabbath”, and the Pharisees were challenging Jesus. As I read this I thought maybe the Pharisees were envious of Jesus because of his compassion and knowledge, but they seem more ticked off that Jesus broke the rule. There are plenty of laws in the covenant, but Deuteronomy 5:12 says to observe the Sabbath and keep it holy. It seems the Pharisees had not equated “doing good” with “keeping holy.”

So what about me? Do I keep rules for the sake of rules, or do I think about what is holy?

Sometimes, those of us in the middle class hold on to our middle class values, as if they are rules. “Hey, I deserve my time and space.” I am not saying that we don’t. But others in life have it much different. They don’t have the means to get together with family, or to have a time or space in retreat at a retreat center, or to buy books that allow them to further their spiritual journey. Others are always working, continuing on the grind without a break.

What are the rules? What does it mean for me to give up some of my time or things so I can do something holy for others? What is Jesus saying to me about the value of others, and how holy is it to do good to others?

Thought for the day: God, help me to grow out of the rules I keep that are not consistent with the holy. Please help me to reach out beyond myself and my own wants and desires, and do good for others. Please stretch my own thinking about what is holy. May I keep what is holy to you closer to my heart. Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.