House Check

Today’s scripture: Matthew 10:5-15 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Ben Lamb):

When Jesus does something, I know that it’s a good thing to try to do also, whether I want to or not. It all ties in so nicely with the whole “Son of God, hence, Perfect Example” theme of his entire life; ya know?

So what’s the first thing he tells his special 12 to do? Minister to the locals. Not a passel of far-off people that they’ve never seen before. No exotic places to trot themselves off to and subsequently have lots of neat-o stories with which to write a Cairo Times best seller.

And just how does this translate to me, a million light years down the cosmic trail? When I do an honest assessment, the answer sort of smacks me in the kisser like a foggy London day during a nail-biter hail storm, or scary-big globs of horseradish on a three-alarm-hot jalapeno sandwich, or the angry King Kong with a spastic-acting boxing glove at the end of his big ol’ hairy arm. [Aside: I need to quit moonlighting as a “B” movie script writer.] Anyway. . .

The point is this: it seems that Jesus is telling his disciples that he wants his (Jesus’) own house (Israel) tidied up and put in order (learn of the Good News) first. He’s not saying to disregard everyone else forever. Later, he instructs his followers to tell the whole world (Mark 16:15).

Why this strategy? To me, it reminds me that if I don’t have my own act together, how can I be of optimal use to others? I’m not saying God can’t use us even a smidgen unless we’re all a bunch of spiritual over-achievers. But being a bag of spiritual sofa spuds isn’t a lofty goal, either.

For some tuneful analogies. . . an athlete is more useful to the team when finely tuned; a musician is definitely more useful to the band/orchestra when in tune, and a business member is more useful to the group when attuned to the rest of the group’s goals. Only then can those respective members go out beyond their own borders and interact with the rest of society as a unified whole with a single/consistent presentation or message.

What local “house checking” and subsequent ministering does each of us need to do in our own lives?

  • Family members who irritate us?
  • People whose heads we want to rip off, but just avoid ’em without telling them how they’ve hurt our feelings, in order for us to start the healing process?
  • Our own personal fears from long ago?
  • Silly squabbles?
  • Misunderstandings that have grown out of proportion?
  • Forgiving ourselves for not being perfetc?
  • Other: ________________? (‘Fess up; you know what it is.)

To borrow the punch line from an old TV commercial “Try it. You’ll like it!” I sincerely believe God would like for us to give Jesus’ request a try, too.

Thought for the day: Spring cleaning of the heart, mind, body and soul is a good exercise in any season.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.