In Touch With Your Thoughts!

Today’s scripture: Matthew 9:18-26 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tommy Chittenden):

Can changing our way of thinking — challenging what we “know” — lead us to experiencing our inner Truth, and consequently, our freedom?

Freedom from what, you might ask. Perhaps freedom from ourselves, from the conditioning that has forged our system of beliefs — to be specific, the beliefs that keep us stuck in patterns of self-destruction, self-sabotage, self-limitations. You know the ones that remind us how comfortable and acceptable it is to “color inside the lines”, “to not think outside of the box.” After all, who are we to even consider the possibility that we just might have been created to actually BE a force of energy that has no equal. How can you tell if you believe that unlimited potential is who you are rather than a conditioned and fearful perspective? One clue is to consider how you are feeling deep inside as you read and contemplate these words.

Do you think it is possible to press the pause button on the tape player in your mind and observe the “thoughts you are thinking” about someone, something or someplace? Could it be that the negative thoughts we have attached to the people and events in our life are holding us emotionally and physically captive, depriving us of the freedom Jesus promises each one of us?

The abundant life message is so often interpreted and applied to material abundance. Perhaps the miracle that brings abundant living and is available to each one of us AT ANY MOMENT occurs when we choose to change our current circumstances, laced with limitation and fear, by choosing to observe and change our thoughts to those in harmony with who and what we are — LOVE.

The woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years (vs.20-22) could have easily remained hidden from view “believing herself to be unclean” because that is what she had been conditioned to believe to be true for many years. But, on this day, “she thought, if I just touch his clothing I will be healed.” She changed her thought which created the emotion/feeling that prompted the behavior that gave her the results she believed would be hers. Notice it all started with the thought. Perhaps she asked herself, “Is it true that I am unclean?” “How can I absolutely know that is true?” She chose a different thought that resulted in an immediate miracle freeing her from years of suffering.

It is of utmost importance that we do this work of inquiry. To be love, unconditional love to one another, we must have a close intimate encounter with our sacred heart by going deeper and removing the limitations caused by conditioned thinking that has kept us in bondage to our self. In bondage we are “missing the mark”, the definition of sin. The mark is “loving as He has loved us.”

With our deepest gratitude we celebrate the liberating message that Jesus has overcome the chains of bondage — and beckons us, “Follow me.”

Prayer for the day: Search me, God! Help me to know my anxious thoughts I pray. Help me to see if there is any hurtful thinking in me. As You lead, I will follow.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.