Good News!

Today’s scripture: Romans 1:24-32 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Steve Adams):

While I was sitting in the LifeJourney Church booth during the 2012 Gay Pride Festival, a woman carefully approached me and began talking. I immediately sensed she was respectful, and deserved my full attention and courtesy. She said she was against the practice of homosexuality, and brings up Romans 1 as one of her prime reasons. I reply that I can totally identify with her, because I once believed the very same thing!

When I was 30 years old, I was yearning for a relationship, which I had never had. Like many closeted gays, I had never even had the pleasure of the innocence of flirting or having a sweetheart during my junior high, high school, college years and beyond! So, I re-read Romans 1. I thought if I could see it in any other way than an absolute condemnation and prohibition of same-sex relationships, then maybe I could at least explore the possibility of dating. Having been a Christian who believed in the inerrancy of the Bible for many years, I dove into these verses one more time. I looked up several of the key Greek words, and came up to exactly the same conclusion as before. As far as I could see, it still declared God’s absolute scathing condemnation of homosexuality. So, the verdict was in: I would continue in the closet.

As it turned out, it was five years later when I looked at these verses one more time. Finally, I saw something different. I asked myself if any of the characteristics listed in verses 28-32 were descriptions of me. God-hater? I knew I wasn’t an angel, but, nevertheless, I loved God very much (and, of course, still do!). Rebellious toward parents? No way! Talking to my Dad was, and continues to be, one of my favorite things to do — same was true with my mother before she passed away. Heartless? Faithless? Ruthless? No, those things don’t quite describe me! I had met very few gay people at that time, but that was about to abruptly change after I walked through the doors of Jesus Metropolitan Community Church in 1991.

Since then, I’ve had the privilege of meeting many, many gay people in our church who are spectacular servants of God! Some go on missions trips, others volunteer at homeless and animal shelters, and many more sacrifice time and income in order to build God’s kingdom in the world. And that’s what I told that nice woman at the church booth. She agreed that this perspective on Romans 1 is worthy of serious consideration.

There are many other aspects of these verses that need to be addressed in order to reach a comprehensive understanding of their meaning. I’m very thankful for our church’s book, The Children Are Free, which looks at these verses and others in a thorough and thoughtful way.

Thought for the day: Thank You, Lord, that one simple, logical point can be a good starting point for a discussion of the meaning of Romans 1.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.