Teddy Grahams and Hypocrites

Today’s scripture: Romans 2:1-11 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Angie Eden):

Executed with the precision of a well-rehearsed dance move, Kole’s chubby hand reached for an extra Teddy Graham as soon as the teacher looked away. All of 4, Kole hasn’t yet mastered the art of “stealing” for he failed to remember that the school psychologist was sitting behind him and the other preschoolers bellied up to the snack table. Nothing was said until a few minutes later when his three-year-old classmate grabbed one from the pile.

“Miss Joyce!  Carly took a cracker!”

Kole wasted no time in ratting out his friend.

Being that school psychologist, I watch life play out daily in a preschool classroom. My training and my experience lean me predominantly into the “most behavior is learned” camp. But — there are always exceptions. In a room full of blooming minds and personalities, it is somewhat easy to detect what parts of us come hard-wired  and what parts of us don’t. Pointing out the faults of our friends and failing to acknowledge our own seems to be as natural as the shape of our nose.

In today’s scripture, Paul is pleading with the Jews in Rome to stop fussing over the sins of the Gentiles and start fixing their own. After all, he warns, we can’t pull the wool over God’s eyes. No matter how loud the voice or how long the list, judging others’ wrongs won’t make ours right.

Thought for the day: For today, give God thanks for the awareness that sometimes we are prone to hypocrisy. Give to God the judging of others and stay focused on the loving of others. For too many, religion is for the hypocrite. Let’s pray for opportunities to turn that tide.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.