Tennis, anyone?

Today’s scripture: Romans 6:20-7:3 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Angie Eden):

Are you a tennis fan? Whether you’ve played or just watched, you have to admit, whoever came up with how to keep score in tennis either never learned to count or enjoyed making simple things difficult. Allow me to try and recap a little of the insanity.

You begin with what should be zero to zero but someone decided to call it love-love. Each point won is then reported in increments of 15. So, if a game goes back and forth — one player winning one point and then the opponent winning the next — the score would go something like 15-0, 15-15, 30-15, 30-30. After the 30 mark, the scoring really gets crazy and the increment is ten, so it is 40-30. When it gets tied, you have a choice of ways to report it: 40-40, 40 all, or deuce.

Now here’s where things get simple. To keep score after a tie, the point won is called “the advantage.”  And believe me, if you’ve volleyed back and forth with someone enough to get to the tie, “advantage” is a VERY appropriate way to describe those points.

In today’s scripture, the New Revised Standard Version uses the word advantage in Paul’s letter to the Romans in asking them to think about their life before and after Christ. In short, Christ gives us an advantage. Christ frees us from the old law, from an enslaved life of dotting i’s and crossing t’s. If life were like a long game of tennis — and in some ways it is — then, the teachings of Jesus keeps us a point ahead of our opponent.

Thought for the Day: For today, give God thanks for freeing you from the past and leading you through the future. Ask for help in defeating whatever you battle (depression, addiction, loneliness, illness, etc.) and remember that with Jesus you have the advantage!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.