My Sacred Echo

Today’s scripture: Romans 5:12-17 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Lynnette Pullen):

In the comedy “Bruce Almighty”, Bruce Nolan (played by Jim Carey) has a very public breakdown after being passed over for a promotion. After losing his job and dignity, Bruce finds himself praying to God as a last resort. In sheer desperation, he pleads with God for a sign on what to do with his life as he frantically drives down the road. Bruce tries to get God to answer his questions. He demands that God “talk back” and tell him “what’s going on”. Just then he passes a road sign flashing ‘Caution Ahead’. Not noticing it, he begs again for a sign. Almost simultaneously a truck, loaded with ‘stop’ and ‘caution ahead’ signs, pulls out in front of him. Irritated at the truck and the ill perceived lack of response from God, he whips around the truck and speeds off. Just then, he accidentally slams his car into a light pole. Bruce is uninjured but the car is totaled.

I love that scene because I think it reflects how sometimes I can miss the most obvious signs from God. Like when I hear a song on the radio that I was thinking about but haven’t heard in years. Just God’s fun way of saying “I love you”.  In the workbook, “The Sacred Echo” by Margaret Feinberg, those repeated signs or signals are described as sacred echoes. Its God’s special way of repeating a message in our lives to help us tune into what God is saying. I really like that idea. Since reading this book, I have begun to watch for God’s echo speaking to me. I hear it all the time. The more I listen, the louder it becomes. Today, I heard a sacred echo that was like a weight being lifted off my shoulders.

My job has become a bit of a burden to me lately. Many of my co-workers have quit due to the stress. As a result there are many new staff members still in training and it is causing efficiency issues. I am paid based on how productive I am so that directly affects my income. I am bringing more and more work home and sleeping less. The stress has taken its toll on me. I asked God what to do and where to go. I haven’t been able to find a job that pays as well or even close to it within my area. Then, this morning, I heard the birds singing joyfully and I heard God whisper in my heart “If they can sing my praises and not worry, why can’t you?” Then, at church this morning, we sang a hymn I have sung many times. But, all of a sudden this lyric struck my heart like an arrow: “All I have needed thy hands have provided. Great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me.” Lastly, I came home and began to write this entry. I already had a thought planned out to write but I couldn’t quite put it into words.  Frustrated, I reread my assigned verse, Romans 5:12-17 and understood something totally different than before.

I felt God was telling me that I was given the gift of salvation and life through Christ’s life and death. That I do not need to be a slave to money or my job because I am a child of the most High and all my needs will be supplied. I am to balance work and rest and be careful not to serve money.  As we all know, we cannot serve two masters (Matt 6:24). I was reminded of the cost of my salvation and that I was made to enjoy life. I am so grateful for hearing that sacred echo. It calmed my spirit in a way that only my Lord can do.

I encourage you to read the passage for today and listen throughout the rest of your day as to what God is echoing to you. God is always in communication with us, we just have to figure out how to use our spiritual ears so we can hear. Hopefully this will make it a little easier to tune in.

Thought for the day: God, thank You for your patience with us. Sometimes life can get so chaotic and stressful that the most obvious signs from You seem like everyday events to us. God, help us to tune into what You are saying. Help us to hear Your sacred echo so that we may go in the direction you have set for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.