Reverse Psychology

Today’s scripture: Romans 7:4-13 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Angie Eden):

The two teen-agers that rule over the DVR in my house love a show called “What Would You Do?” I get a kick out of eavesdropping on them watching this show which uses hidden cameras to capture people’s reactions to situations set-up by actors. The kids always have a comeback for how people should have reacted when faced with blatant discrimination and bullying. The whole show reminds me of the infamous “Candid Camera.” Growing up, my family seldom missed this TV program which often made my mom and dad laugh until they cried.

A favorite scenario of that show was putting kids in certain tempting situations and let the camera roll, unbeknownst to the little ones of course. I see can it now. Place a hungry six-year old boy on a sofa, tell him he must wait while his parents are busy, set a heaping plate of cookies in front of him, and tell him NOT to eat one. Ready. Set. Action.

You know what’s going to happen, right? But a twist can be introduced when the exact same set-up is recreated only minus the admonishment to NOT eat the cookie. Time and time again, child after child, hungry little bellies sit and wait without so much as even looking at the cookies.

Telling people what NOT to do with the intent of getting them to do it is known as reverse psychology, and it is quite powerful in its manipulation of the mind. In today’s scripture, Paul seems to be telling the Romans that the old law worked in a similar fashion. Tell people what NOT to do and, by George, there they go. Tell yourself you’re NOT having a grande white chocolate mocha and suddenly everything within arm’s reach looks and smells and tastes like a grande white chocolate mocha. Lucky for the Romans and for us, Jesus sets us free from obsessions with sin, law, evil, and lists. Jesus brought Spirit to Earth and Spirit wishes only for us to live up to the inherently wonderful souls we are created to be.

Thought for the day: For today, give Spirit thanks for doing away with legalistic reverse psychology. Allow Spirit to whisper to you, “You don’t have to DO good; you ARE good.”

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.